Ins & Outs of our Club Finances

A look at the Club’s income and expenditure for last year as presented to the last AGM by our Treasurer, Alan Kay

 Where does it all come from?Income Where does your £25 go?
(assuming you pay the full £25 subscription)Expenditure 


The surplus from Lowstem and most of that from LHG was used to purchase and install electrical heaters at Lowstern. Our Treasurer reminded us that a LHG rent review is due in 1997, there are plans to extend Lowstem and rates, insurance, etc. are bound to rise.

So apparently small items such as interest and meets surpluses are vital in balancing the books.

Are we in a healthy financial position? “It all depends on what you mean by healthy.  There is no need though to put up the subscriptions just yet.”

Alan Kay has served as Treasurer for six years and feels that it is time to step down at the next AGM – are there any offers fiom other members to take on this role?

…and the cost of producing the Yorkshire Rambler?

Publication CostsSince the cost of producing any one issue varies depending on such factors as the number of pages and whether the stock of envelopes ran out these costs are based on an average over four issues. The cost of binding extra copies for kindred club libraries has been spread between members. This page has cost you 3p. It varies between issues from 2½ to 3½p. The printing costs £1.10 per copy, distribution 55p, stationery and sundries 10p; making the cost to you of a typical issue £1.75p. To increase the ‘value for money’ simply submit a more interesting piece or two yourself!