Foreword by the President

As my ‘tour of duty’ draws to a close it is satisfying to observe that the Bulletin goes from strength to strength. Whoever would have thought that by the time of the sixth issue, just three years from inception, there has been more material published than in our previous journals which took five or six years to produce.

Due credit must be given to Arthur Salmon for promoting the idea in his first year of office, to the Editor for carrying the project through quite brilliantly and above all to you, the contributors, without whose effort everything fails.

Looking back there is a theme running through this edition of the Bulletin and the articles will keep us busy through the long evenings of the winter months.

An appreciation of a century of Club caving and recollections of a recent cave incident contrast with a variety of articles on eastern Europe, the Americas and setting the record straight concerning a double benightment.

There is plenty of food for thought here and a sobering reflection or two. Read on…

Derek Bush Signature