Foreword by the President

Puerto Rico to Nepal, Greenland to Chile our members have been there in recent months and have set down some of their experiences in this edition of our Bulletin.

Just look at these snippets…         ‘Humpback whales playing around the ship…’   ‘Ever onwards, ever upwards was the motto.’   ‘Splat! Several 10cm long spider legs twitched from under her fist.’  ‘Ropes fixed on the steeper sections up to camp two at 6100m…’  The track was said to be ‘uncycleable’ so he cycled it.    ‘Wingovers, spiral dives and asymmetrics..’       ‘Pills to combat the effects of altitude..’    ‘Porter blown upwards and backwards…’    ‘Found a suitable boulder to shelter under for the night..’   In cloud and snow a circuit of all the eight tops and three Munros of Craig Meagaidh was an interesting exercise in navigation.

It’s not all activity though there are reflective thoughts on those miscellaneous topics like stress in leeches, naval architecture and ageism in the Guardia Civil which litter our conversations.  Crinoids, buffalo, vultures, tripe, ice cream and chips all make an appearance.

Let’s hope for a few days of poor weather or at least a wet evening or two, to allow members time to dip into this melange of typically YRC madness.

Derek Bush Signature