Foreword by the President

For a person of no literary accomplishments writing this foreword is akin to taking an examination, i.e. writing your name and number at the top of the page, staring blankly at the questions and hoping inspiration will come.

However much is afoot within the Club. The expedition is iniminent. The 1996 Summer issue of the Rambler will contain full reports. Tim Josephy will be in Patagonia at the time this is published. Will Lacey and David Laughton have been to Greenland. If I am using this space for some gentle coercion, so be it.

Meanwhile in this issue subjects range from Cecil Slingsby’s letter to Greig, through Tales of the Unexpected (not by Roald Dahl) and the merits of snow shoes by one of our regular contributors to reminiscences of climbing in Snowdonia in the 30’s.

All mixed together, I am sure they will make a good brew!

Derek Bush Signature