1938.—The Week-end Meets were :—30th January, Hill Inn, Chapel-le-Dale ; 20th February, Buckden; 20th March, R. L. Hut, Langdale ; Easter, Fort William ; 30th April, Hill Inn ; 15th May, Austwick Beck Head ; Whitsun, Gaping Gill ; 25th June, Horton ; 16th July, Coniston; September, Langdale ; 24th September, Burnthwaite; 9th October, Coniston ; 22nd October, Wass ; December, Bainbridge.

We regret to record the deaths of Edouard Martel, Charles Scriven and George Yeld (Hon. Members) and of T. S. Booth, ex-President.

At the Annual General Meeting, held 19th November, 1938, the following were elected to hold office, 1938-9 :—

President, Clifford Chubb ; Vice-Presidents, A. Humphreys and H. Armstrong ; Hon. Treasurer, B. A. Bates ; Hon. Secretaries, D. Burrow and F. S. Booth ; Hon. Librarian, R. Rimmer ; Hon. Editor, E. E. Roberts ; Committee, C. E. Burrow, G. Eddison, G. S. Gowing, B. Nelstrop, F. W. Stembridge, G. C. Marshall.

The thirty-second Annual Dinner took place at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds on 19th November, 1938. The retiring President, J. M. Davidson, was in the chair and the principal guest was F. S. Smythe then entering his twentieth year of membership. The kindred Clubs were represented by Sir W. Ellis, Alpine Club ; Mr. P. J. H. Unna, Scottish Mountaineer­ ing Club ; Mr. H. Spilsbury, Wayfarers’ Club ; Mr. F. T. Bancroft, Northern C. and F. Club ; Mr. Makington, Rucksack Club ; Mr. Powell, Climbers’ Club; Mr. Dawson, Gritstone Club ; Mr. T. Mitchell, Craven Pot-hole Club.

1939.—The Week-end Meets were :—29th January, Hill Inn ; 12th February, Arncliffe; 26th February, Horton; 12th March, Langdale; Easter, Dell Hotel, Aviemore ; 23rd April, Hill Inn; 14th May, Austwick Beck Head ; Whitsun, Enniskillen; 25th June, Braida Garth; 23rd July. Burnthwaite ; 2nd December, supper at Sickling­ hall.

We regret to record the deaths of Robert Rimmer, J. W. Puttrell, and Sir Alfred Hopkinson (Hon. Member).

A Caving Rescue call was received very late on 7th May. Ten men drove from Leeds and Billingham, reached Kingsdale at 1.30 a.m., and brought out the body from Rowten Pot by six.

During the War no Annual General Meeting could be held. By a postal vote, members agreed that the same Officers and Committee should go on. The Committee appointed H. Booth Acting Librarian, on the death of R. Rimmer, and in 1941 H. L. Stembridge to the Committee while F. W. Stembridge was in the Forces.

1940 — Week-end Meet, 25th February, Chapel-le-Dale. 21st July, Meet at Little Almscliff.

1941 — Week-end Meets : 2nd March, Hill Inn ; 22nd June, High Casterton ; for supper 1st November, Sicklinghall.

We regret to record the deaths in these years of J.’M. S. Lister and Alex. Campbell.

  1. 1942 — The Week-end Meets were :—1st March, Hill Inn ; 15th November, New Inn, Clapham.

A grievous list of losses has to be recorded, J. F. Wardle killed on active service, G. T. Lowe and H. H. Bellhouse (Founders and ex-Presidents), J. Norman Collie (Hon. Member), W. H. Albrecht, C. R. Barran, F. B. Cooper, and J. Hepworth.

Fifty years of the Club’s life were completed on October 6th, 1942, and as far as possible celebrated at the Clapham Meet. On the 26th December, the anniversary of the first Outdoor Meet, two members and others reached Blubberhouses Hopper Lane Hotel.

  1. 1943 — Week-end Meets were :— 21st February, Hill Inn ; 13th November, Hill Inn; Catlow entertained a small party on Easter Saturday at Wood Hall.

We regret to record the deaths of W. E. Evans, killed on active service, Canon A. D. Tupper-Carey (Hon. Member), and Cuthbert Hastings.

  1. 1944 — Week-end Meets were :—5th March and 15th October, Hill Inn.

We regret to record the deaths of Walter Parsons (ex-President) and R. E. Sargent.

  1. 1945 — Week-end Meets were :—4th February and 30th September, Hill Inn.

We record with deep regret the deaths of Edward Calvert, J.J. Brigg, and Sidney Thompson.

  1. 1946 — Week-end Meets were :—10th February, Buckden ; Easter, Fort William ; August 4th, Gaping Gill.

We record with deep regret the deaths of E. Creighton, Blackburn Holden, and H. Brodrick.

Club Headquarters in Park Square had to be given up in 1941, but owing to the efforts of H. Armstrong, an excellent room has been taken in the Salem Institute, just south of Leeds Bridge.

The Club Library has been greatly enlarged by generous gifts from Gray and from the Wayfarers’ Club through the efforts of Davidson.

At the Annual General Meeting, held 16th November, 1946, the following were elected to hold office 1946-7 :—

President, H. Armstrong ; Vice-Presidents, D. Burrow and A. L. Middleton ; Hon. Treasurer, B. A. Bates ; Hon. Secretaries, S. Booth and F. W. Stembridge ; Hon. Librarian, H. S. Booth ; Hon. Editor, E. E. Roberts ; Committee, G. S. Gowing, C. Marshall, B. Nelstrop, H. L. Stembridge, R. E. Chadwick, R. G. Titley.

The thirty-third Annual Dinner (Jubilee Dinner) took place at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, 16th November, 1946. The retiring President, Clifford Chubb, was in the chair and the principal guest was Mr. W. A. Poucher. Kindred Clubs were represented by Mr. R. B. Graham, Alpine Club ; Mr. W. G. Murray, Scottish Mountaineering Club ; Mr. H. Spilsbury, Rucksack Club ; Mr. C. D. Milner, Wayfarers’ Club ; Mr. G. E. Griffiths, Gritstone Club.

Harold Brodrick left a legacy to the Club of £50, several important books, and many maps.

New Members


White, John Crosby, British Post-Graduate School, Hammersmith Hospital, W.12.
Williams, George Clarke, 34, St. George’s Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle.
Wardle, John Frederick, Everton Vicarage, Doncaster.
Sherwood, James Barlow Brooks, 108, Lacey Green, Wilmslow.


Farrer, Sydney James, Newby Cote, Clapham, Yorks. (Hon. Member).
Stringer, Horace Sutcliffe, Daify Nook, Carleton, Pontefract.
Titley, Richard Gerald, 6, Pinetree Avenue, Boston Spa.
Chadwick, Robert Everard, 14, Butts Court, Albion Street, Leeds, 1.
Cullingworth, John Edwin, i, Belgrave Terrace, Huddersfield.


Watts, Harold R., Archbishop Holgate’s Grammar School, York.
Bowling, Michael Harrop, 33, Sandhill Avenue, Moortown, Leeds.


Spenceley, George Browning, 94, Station Parade, Harrogate.


Falkingham, Arthur F., 6, Park View Terrace, Bradford.
Thompson, Harry, Green Mire Cottage, Chapel Stile, Ambleside.


Edwards, Walter Mandel, 5, Oak Bank, Shaw Lane, Leeds, 6.


Addyman, James Cadwallader, White House, Starbeck, Harrogate.
Middleton, David, The Terrace, Boston Spa.


Blair, David Stephenson, 19, Hereford Road, Harrogate.
Hurrell, Peter Michael, Boxtrees, Clifford, Wetherby.
Adams, Arthur, c/o W. C. Holmes & Co., Huddersfield.
Middleton, Ralph, 22, The Fairway, Alwoodley Lane, Leeds.
Petrie, Paul Douglas, Mount Stead, Ben Rhydding.
Storey, William, 174, Taylor Hill Road, Huddersfield.

Joly, Robert de, Uchaud, Gard, France (Hon. Member).

Back Numbers.—These can be obtained from H. Booth, 42, York Place, Leeds, 1. Prices.—Nos. 4, 5, 17, sold out ; Nos. 2, 3 and 18, 10s. each; Nos. 1, 14, 15, 16 and 23, 5s. edch; Nos. 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21 and 22, 4s. each ; Nos. 8 and 9, 2s. each ; No. 13, 3s. each. Specially designed green buckram cases, 2s. each. Postage extra.

President—H. Armstrong, Geecroft House, Sicklinghall, Wetherby.
Secretaries—F. S. Booth, 42, York Place, Leeds, 1.
F. W. Stembridge, Sawdrie Close, Huby, Leeds.