Proceedings Of The Club

The Tenth Annual Meet was held at Horton-in-Ribblesdale on 27th and 28th September, 1902, over twenty members and their friends attended, and the event throughout was highly successful.

On the occasion of the last Club Meet at Horton an attempt on Alum Pot was projected, but owing to the bad weather had to be abandoned. Last year the weather was everything that could be desired and a descent of the Pot was successfully accomplished.

Preparations had been made by an advance party on September 27th, and after an early breakfast a start was made on the following morning for Alum Pot. Long Churn passage was followed, the President indulging his passion for bathing by falling into one of its larger pools.

Upon the return journey there was much fun at the final climb into Long Churn, some of the men getting very wet and requiring a good deal more than mere moral support from the rope. The whole affair passed off without the slightest hitch, and to those members of the Club responsible, the party were indebted for a most enjoyable excursion.

The Inn at Horton was uncomfortably crowded, but beds were eventually found for every one in the village. The dinner on Saturday was by no means a formal function, and was followed by some excellent music, and the 1902 Meet remains a pleasant and entertaining memory.

Lectures:- The Club’s Lectures during the past year were excellent, and largely attended by members and their friends.

At the Philosophical Hall, Leeds, on November 25th, 1902, Mr. Gilbert Thomson, Vice-President of the Scottish Mountaineering Club, gave us a graphic and interesting account of “Mountaineering in Scotland,” treating his subject with much quiet humour, and illustrating it with many beautiful mountain pictures.

The Lectures given during the past season were as follows:-

November 11th, 1902. “Through the Tarentaise and beyond.” By Mr. W. A. Brigg.
November 25th, 1902. “Mountaineering in Scotland.” By A Mr. Gilbert Thomson. (Vice-President of the Scottish Mountaineering Club.)
January 27th, 1903. “The Rambling Geologist” By Mr. H. Howarth.
February 10th, 1903. “Rambles in Galloway” By Dr. Forsyth.
February 24th, 1903. “A Journey to Alaska.” By Mr. James Buckley.
March 10th, 1903. “The West Indian Eruptions.” By Dr. Tempest Anderson.

That on the “West Indian Eruptions,” by Dr. Tempest Anderson, was given at the Philosophical Hall, Leeds, under the joint auspices of the Leeds Geological, the Leeds Photographic, and the Leeds Naturalists’ Societies, and the Yorkshire Ramblers’ Club. The room was crowded, and a general wish was expressed that similar lectures should be arranged in the future. Dr. Anderson gave an account of his experiences and work as a member of the Commission sent out by the British Government to investigate the devastating eruptions in the West Indies. The Lecture was illustrated by many remarkable slides.

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Club Rooms on 28th October, 1902, at 8 o’clock p.m. Mr. G. T. Lowe in the chair. The Committee’s Report, of which the following is a summary, was presented and adopted:-

The Club now consists of ten honorary and 68 ordinary members, the largest membership it has so far attained. During the year seven general and eight committee meetings have been held. Six lectures were given and the improved attendance has been fully maintained. The Committee have again to acknowledge gifts of books to the Club Library, and also invitations from the Leeds Geological and Photographic Societies to their Lectures.

The Sub-Committee elected at the General Meeting arranged the following Club meets and excursions during the year:-

1901.- December 14th. Almscliff Crag.
December 26th. Washburn Valley and Blubberhouses.
1902. – January 18th. Ilkley.
February 8th. Ingleton.
March 1st. Almscliff Crag.
March 28th. Easter Meet.
April 26th. Dacre, Brimham Rocks, Pateley Bridge.
May 17th. Whitsuntide Meet.

These excursions were arranged to meet the wishes of the members expressed at the General Meeting, but the Committee regret to report they have not met with the support they deserved.

The Committee think that before making arrangements for another series, members should be invited to express their opinions upon the desirability of continuing with them.

During the year the fourth number, completing the first volume of the Club Journal, has appeared. It has become a permanent record of much of the Club’s best work, and an important factor in its advancement.

The Treasurer’s statement :-

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:- President, W. Cecil Slingsby; Vice-Presidents, Dr. F. H. Mayo and W. Parsons; Secretary, Lewis Moore; Assistant-Secretary, Frank Constantine ; Treasurer, John Davis; Committee – A. W. Bairstow, S. W. Cuttress, Alfred Barran, J. M. Nicol, T. S. Booth, Chas. Scriven, Rev. L. S. Calvert and Thos. Gray.

A vote of thanks to the retiring officers and auditor was passed.

New Members

New members who have been elected since the last issue –

James Backhouse, 31, Grange Avenue, Leeds. , Daleside, Harrogate.
J. J. Baines, 31, Grange Avenue, Leeds.
Eveleigh Bishop, 81, Briggate, Leeds.
Fred Botterill, 10, Consort Terrace, Leeds.
John Brierley, 36, Wellclose Mount, Leeds.
Harold Brodrick, 7, Aughton Road, Birkdale, Southport.
Alexr. Campbell, Aros, Allerton Park, Leeds.
E. A. Capel, 17, Virginia Road, Leeds.
S. J. Chadwick, Lyndhurst, Dewsbury.
J. H. Clapham, 13, Beechgrove Terrace, Leeds.
James Dudley, Flounders Institute, Woodsley Terrace, Leeds.
A. R. Dwerryhouse, 5, Oakfield Terrace, Headingley, Leeds.
Dr. C. A. Hill, 13, Rodney Street, Liverpool.
J. M. Jeffreys, 10, Vernon Road, Leeds.
L. A. Lowe, 23, Chestnut Avenue, Leeds.
H. D. Middleton, Moor Grange, Far Headingley, Leeds.
Dr. Keith W. Monsarrat, 11, Rodney Street, Liverpool.
W. W. Newbould, 63, North Street, Leeds.
H. W. Thompson, 195, Belle Vue Road, Leeds.
J. C. Walker, Beech Villa, Shaw Lane, Headingley, Leeds.
Henry Williamson, 127, Oxford Street, Preston, Lancashire.

There have been five resignations in the same period.

The first Annual Club Dinner was held at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, on 14th of February, 1903. About fifty members and friends were present, with the President, Mr. W. Cecil Slingsby, in the chair.

The Toast List was as follows:-

“The King.”

“The Yorkshire Ramblers’ Club”

Proposed by the President.

“The Editor of the Club Journal”

Proposed by Mr. Alfred Barran.

There were many excellent songs and recitations given during the evening by Mr. Bedford, Mr. Green, Dr. Hill, Mr. R. Mackay, Mr. Gilbert Middleton, and Mr. J.M. Nicol; Mr. Alec. Campbell accompanying on the piano.

Mr. Alfred Barran, in proposing the toast of the Editor of the Club Journal, presented Mr. Gray with a vellum bound copy of the first volume as a token of the Club’s esteem and appreciation.

This Annual gathering is a new feature in the social life of the Club. It will, we hope, strengthen old friendships, create new ones, and increase good fellowship amongst the Club’s Members.

The Journal. – No. 2 is out of print. Copies of Nos. 1, 3 and 4 may still be obtained.